Realising Potentials, Enhancing Performance


 FEE: £250/Session

Duration of a session: 

50 minutes

Mode: Online

Book Online
As a leader you encounter different challenges in course of your leadership journey. Some of these challenges affect your self esteem and can introduce a sense of insecurity. The challenge that induces this can be anything ranging from missing your key performance indicators like not meeting your sales target,  losing your pride of place with the chief executive of your organisation, or even having some marital challenges at home. It could be that your business is not doing as  well as it used to be. It could be anything but the effect on you would be the same; a denting of your self esteem. As everyone is looking up to you to keep driving the engine of success of your team or organisation,  you keep up the confidence level everyone has come to associate you with but more often that not, deep inside, your self esteem is taking a hit by those challenges you are working hard to overcome.  No leader should confuse self confidence with self esteem. While self confidence is external and can be kept up even in difficult times, self esteem is internal and only known to the leader, though the two can affect themselves. The challenge for a leader with dented or broken self image that has not been reconstructed is that he/she might start using people to shore up or boost a broken self image. This should not be the case. 

We help you: 
  • Identify the exact cause(s) of the broken self image. 
  • Work with you through the scientifically proven four forces framework to design unique solutions in  restoring your self image.


   FEE: £200/Session

Duration of a session: 

50 minutes

Mode: Online

Book Online
Our consultants have their specialities in leadership development, strategic development, international business, business analysis, Finance, digital marketing, Online promotion like google ads,  social media promotion, SEO, etc. 
We work with your organisation to solve complex problems, manage and mitigate risks and drive change in your organisation. We work with you to solve your unique challenges, improve strategic development, and design organisational culture. We work with different sizes of business ranging from start up to multinational businesses. 


 FEE: £   /Session

Duration of a session: 


Mode: Online

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We understand the challenges senior leaders and mangers face in business.  We create the  space and conducive environment for you to explore your challenges and co-construct their impacts on self, team and business functions. Our confidential conversations are solution focused, designed for high impact performance. Your coach works with you to develop new skills as an executive leader that help create high performance teams and lead culturally diverse organisation in rapidly-changing environments. We offer face to face or virtual coaching.


 FEE: £   /Session

Duration of a session: 


Mode: Online

Book Online
Our CEO is a respected keynote and conference speaker. He brings a unique expertise in entrepreneurial leadership delivered with authority and impact to inspire your audience. He engages,  enthuses, educates and enlightens your audience with a view to promoting high performance and driving change. He is the author of the best selling leadership book, 'The Learning Leader and the 5 Perspectives of Change Leadership, 2nd Edition. He is open to invitations as a keynote or conference speaker.
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